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Batch Process Distiller

Batch Process Disitller     Batch Process Distiller


The MRT Batch Distiller is an efficient processing tool for mercury recovery from all kinds of lamp waste and other electrical devices, mercury button cell batteries, thermometers etc. The patented distillation technology is a Swedish invention that has been in commercial use for over 30 years.

The process is fully automatic, which makes it extremely safe and removes the risk of human error. Functional parameters such as pressure, temperature and process time are adjusted to conform to the particular waste being treated, enabling optimum efficiency.

With a degree of mercury recovery that is unsurpassed and emissions which are hardly measurable,  the MRT Batch Distillers are the most highly regarded mercury recovery tools on the market.






: 2990 x 1580 x 2600 mm (length x width x height)


: Max 35 kW

Hg Purity  : Average 99,99% 
Hg Residue Value : Max 0,1 mg/l, Average 0,001 mg/l
Degree of Recovery : Average > 99,99%
Hg Emission : Max 0,020 mg/m3
Average > 0,005 mg/m3



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